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Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, via Oseira, Day Fourteen, 31.6 Kilometers (19.64 Miles)

Our day fourteen on the Camino Sanabrés from Cea to Estación de Lalín was a magical day, perhaps my favorite of all on this Camino! This day consists of walking on long sections of enchanting Roman road, visiting the astounding monastery of Oseira and becoming intimately acquainted with the Galician countryside.

Because of the length of this day, the magnitude of the Mosteiro de Oseira, and the enchantment of the many Roman roads on which we walked, I have chosen to break this day up into two parts, even though we walked it all in one day. 

Despite the enchantment of this day, it would come to a devastating end for a member of our group. Nadine had woken up with a swollen left knee, no doubt a compensation injury, a result of her severe right lower leg tendonitis. 

Quote for Day Fourteen on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín

“Centuries of travel yore suggest that when we no longer know where to turn, our real journey has just begun.” ~ Phil Cousineau

The evening prior, we as a foursome discussed this day's staging and how it should go, considering Nadine's ongoing limp that appeared to be worsening, and my strong desire to see the Mosteiro de Oseira.

There is a choice of two routes out of Cea: The route into the mountains to see the monastery in Oseira is almost five kilometers longer than the official route via Piñor, and with some additional ups and downs. 

The route via Oseira is rugged, with long sections on old Roman roads that make for a rough path to walk. The scenery, however, is stunning and the monastery, in my opinion, is an absolute do not miss! I made it clear to the group that there was no other choice for me and that this was the route that Rich and I would do. 

Finally, Nadine and Norm made the decision that they must go their own way, and do the shorter, easier route, yet still had a length of more than 27 kilometers. I strongly encouraged them to consider stopping in Dozón for the night, or taking a taxi for some portion of the day, to preserve Nadine's leg. We still had over 80 kilometers to get to Santiago!

It was unfortunate that we had made reservations at the Hostal A Taberna De Vento (+34 629 30 66 79) in Estación de Lalín, the end of our chosen stage. I made these reservations because we had heard from a fellow pilgrim that he had a hard time finding a room the night before.

It was because of this reservation, I feel, that we all pushed too hard to arrive for the reservation, to not lose any deposit money. In perfect hindsight, we could have all agreed to stay in Castro Dozón. 

For Nadine, this day would be the final straw. While her pilgrimage was looking like it was about to end, indeed her journey was just beginning.

Maps and Stats of Day Fourteen on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín

There are sufficient services on this day, regardless of the route that you choose. Here is our interactive map, from our GPS tracks where I show the services that are available for your planning purposes. 

I recorded the track to Oseira, and Nadine recorded the track through Piñor. I will not supply a description of the standard route. If you wish to go this way, please download Nadine's tracks.

I have no photos of the standard route, as Nadine was suffering so horribly that she was unable to focus on anything but the painful placement of one foot in front of the other for the entire day. Oh my!

When I examine the standard route, almost half of the way to Dozón is on pavement, first on the OU-0406 out of Cea, then the OU-0402 all the way to the hamlet of A Ponte, through about kilometer six. The remaining eight kilometers to Dozón are on paths and country lanes. 

As you can see from the elevation profiles below, this is a strenuous day, from both routes perspective, with a 941 meter (3087 feet) elevation gain for the Variante Oseira, shown below. There are more elevation changes on this route, as you can see in the profile, and the final 100 meter (328 feet) climb for both routes into A Xesta will feel taxing after a long day. 

The elevation profile below shows the entire day of 31.6 kilometers via the Variante Oseira. The standard route through Piñor joins this profile in Castro Dozón, at 19 kilometers into the profile. 

Elevation Profile, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, Variante OseiraElevation Profile, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, Variante Oseira

Here is the elevation profile of the standard route through Piñor, from Cea to Estación de Lalín, a total of 27.1 kilometers. There is a long, steady climb, to a few meters higher than the Oseira route, but with a total elevation gain of 813 meters (2667 feet), only slightly less. 

The standard route joins the Oseira route on this profile at about 14 kilometers.

Elevation Profile, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, Standard RouteElevation Profile, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, Standard Route

Photo-Rich Travelogue for Day Fourteen on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín

We set off from the albergue in the pre-dawn light, and headed back for the clock tower in the main plaza. (See day thirteen for a description.)

Sculpture Carving, Praza Maior, CeaSculpture Carving, Praza Maior, Cea

The streets were quiet, and as you approach the main square, stay to the right (east) of the clock tower and find a narrow street just after the Plaza Café Bar in the main plaza. You will see the Nicanor Carballo carving shown here, on the corner of a building, just beyond the bar.

Continue northward, for one more block. Next you cross the main east/west street through Cea, the OU-0405, and see yet another carving on the street curb, sending you straight onward and up the hill, where you pick up the street called the Rúa Lodairo. 

However, it is here at the intersection with the OU-0405 that you will also see Camino signs, giving you the choice of routes. To the left, down the hill along the OU-0405 is the route via Piñor.

We wanted a café con leche, so we went to the left on the main street, where we found the Sol y Luna open for breakfast. This was the same place we had a wonderful dinner the night before. We were happy to be patrons of this place for the second time. 

It was at the Sol y Luna that we said goodbye for the day to Norm and Nadine as we went up the hill on the OU-0405, and they went down the hill on the OU-0405 to continue along the route to Piñor. 

We walked the block and a half, back to the intersection with the Rúa Lodairo, turned left on it, and up the hill. Thus begins the long, initial climb of the day, for the next 5.82 kilometers!

The Rúa Lodairo will take you out of town, shown below. The buildings you see ahead are the town's municipal tennis courts and pool. The stone carving waymark on the pole says to stay left here by the municipal buildings. 

Uphill Out of TownUphill Out of Town

After you walk between the buildings, bend to the right to follow the wall of the tennis courts. Just beyond the wall, come to a T-intersection, where you will turn to the right.

100 meters after the intersection, you turn left, or northward. After just shy of 1.0 kilometers into the day, come to this sign, below, where you are directed to the right and onto this nice lane. 

Right Turn Onto Country RoadRight Turn Onto Country Road

And thus begins the amazing 3.25 kilometer off-pavement jaunt through the countryside, where you will walk on the most amazing Roman roads.

And within about one more kilometer, you sense the historic path that is ahead. Whenever I see the walls on both sides of the road, as shown below, I know that I am most likely on or coming to an ancient road. 

Deep Into the ForestDeep Into the Forest

Indeed, within a few hundred meters after the appearance of the walls, the paved ancient road begins. There are remnants of pavers where there are deep wagon ruts, as you can see.

Roman Road BeginsRoman Road Begins
Deep Wagon RutsDeep Wagon Ruts
Elle on Roman RoadElle on Roman Road

In fact, this area of Roman road is so wonderfully preserved and so mystical a place, that I chose this photo, below, from this section of the Camino Sanabrés to be my website image, at the very top! 

Pilgrimage Traveler Website PhotoPilgrimage Traveler Website Photo

Enjoy this place while you can, and feel the spirits of all those taking a pilgrimage to the monastery ~ past, present and future. This makes it a special journey indeed, walking in the footsteps of the ancients. 

Stone Fence-Lined RoadStone Fence-Lined Road

You can see in the photos that negotiating this Roman road isn't easy! You are mostly climbing on rough and uneven ancient pavement. As is true for most Roman roads I have been on through the mountains, they take a direct, up and over line. No easy switchbacking here!

If it is raining, the rocks become slippery, so extra time and care will be needed. 

Continuing on the Ancient RoadContinuing on the Ancient Road

It is around this high, rutted area shown above, after about 4.0 kilometers into the day, that there appears to be a Y-intersection in the road. There are no clear waymarks that we could see. 

Look and stay to the left, and you will see this huge rock cairn just ahead, shown in the photo below, that may have a painted yellow arrow on it. This is the way to go. 

Rock CairnRock Cairn Marks the Way

It is only a bit beyond the rock cairn, after 4.2 kilometers into the day on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín, you finally leave the Roman road and join the pavement of this quiet country road, shown below, that takes you to the next hamlet of Silvaboa. This is a left hand turn onto the narrow road.

Entering SilvaboaEntering Silvaboa

Within 1/4 kilometer, you are in and out of Silvaboa, as it consists of only a few buildings that I could see. Stay to the right in town as the road branches.

After walking by the buildings of Silvaboa, the road continues its steep climb, to more barren and open terrain. I wondered if it had been a fire that had opened this terrain as such.

Climb Up and Out of SilvaboaClimb Up and Out of Silvaboa

It is at kilometer 5.6 that you reach the summit of the first long climb of the day at 700 meters (about 2300 feet) in altitude, on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín. It was a steep climb, and I was happy that I was fresh in the day. 

The Descent Towards PielesThe Descent Towards Pieles

Your reward for the long climb will now be a nice downhill cruise of approximately three kilometers all the way to the monastery. 

After about 6.1 kilometers, enter the next town of Pieles, where in a few more steps, you see the Café O'Toxo, shown below. 

Just after the bar, at the tan building in the right side of the photo, turn right, to pick up OU-0406.

Café O'Toxo, PielasCafé O'Toxo, Pielas

In another kilometer, after leaving Pieles, walk past the sign welcoming you to A Ventela.  While we didn't see much of a town, only about 100 meters later, you walk by the lovely little Capela de Santa Isabel after 7.4 kilometers, shown below. 

Capela de Santa IsabelCapela de Santa Isabel

After about 100 meters, just beyond the exit sign for A Ventela, you will come to a right turn off, onto a lane that parallels the OU-0406 roadway, all the way into Oseira, 1.3 kilometers away. This is the official way to go, and will take you off-pavement to the town.

However, you will also add 300 meters to your total distance, and a few more meters of climbing! Because the OU-0406 is a very quiet road anyway, most pilgrims just stay on the road. It is up to you!

My description to follow will be of the road walk, because for us, on this very long day, every step mattered!

About 400 meters after the Capela de Santa Isabel, at kilometer 7.8, and by the kilometer 8 marker on the OU-0406, come to this fountain, shown below. There was a little plastic cup here by the fountain, so I assume this was an indication that the water is safe to drink!

Pass Fountain at 8 Km MarkerPass Fountain at 8 Km Marker

By 8.1 kilometers, at a large bend in the road, the monastery comes into view!

Mosteiro de Oseira AheadMosteiro de Oseira Ahead

The massiveness of this complex can be seen as you get nearer. 

Mosteiro de OseiraMosteiro de Oseira

When you round the corner of the huge monastery complex, and the towers come into view, you are at about 8.8 kilometers into the day on the Camino Sanabrés from Cea to Estación de Lalín.

Towers of the Mosteiro de OseiraTowers of the Mosteiro de Oseira

There is an Albergue de Peregrinos del Monasterio de Oseira (+34 988 28 26 86) within the complex, newly remodeled and reopened in March, 2022! It now has a total of 74 dormitory beds! The Monastery Website may be useful for you.

Beyond the towers and after a large car park, turn to the left on the street in front of the complex. 

As you walk all the way around to the north side of the monastery, this is the main entrance, where you walk through a gate, to see the main courtyard with the towering church façade before you.

Entrance to the Monastery, Mosteiro de Oseira, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínEntrance to the Monastery

In order to see the monastery, you must take a tour, and alas, they had none in English. They did give us a hand out to read which helped quite a bit!

On the day we arrived, the first tour did not leave until 11:00 a.m. so we had to kill 1/2 hour as it was only 10:30. We went to the lovely café by the front gate, the Casiña D'Avoa to wait for the tour to begin. It was a treat to enjoy another cup of coffee, though it was hard to wait, when we had more than 20 kilometers left in the day!

You may want to check the visiting hours, before your planned arrival as these change from season to season, Sundays and holidays. In the summer, they have an earlier tour that begins at 10:30 which is a more convenient time if you are walking from Cea.

The tour took one full hour, so we did not get back on the road until noon ~ a delay of 1.5 hours! But I can honestly say that it was worth it!

Below are just a few of the many photos I took considering the many interesting nooks and crannies that are in this monastery. And I didn't even stay here overnight. Many pilgrims state the highlight of their stay was evening vespers with the monks, so plan your visit accordingly! 

The first areas we visited on the tour were the main church, its central nave and altar. The altar piece, the Virgin of the Milk, or Virgen de la Leche, is unusual in that the Madonna is actually nursing the baby Jesus.

As I had learned in the cathedral museum of Salamanca, it wasn't until the 16th century that the image of a Nursing Madonna was considered disrespectful by the church. This altar is a very precious and rare depiction, dating back to the 13th century. This piece was never destroyed which is also amazing!

Central Nave of Monastery Church, Mosteiro de OseiraCentral Nave of Monastery Church
Altar, Virgen de la Leche, Mosteiro de Oseira, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínAltar, Virgen de la Leche

For me, the most fascinating place was the Room of the Stone Palms, or the Sala de las Palmeiras Pétreas, shown below. According to the handout we received on the tour, which was for English speakers, this room was originally used as a chapter house, then in the 17th century, a sacristy. The four columns, each of them unique, were designed by Juan de Castillo in the 15th century, in his own Manuelino style. A most beautiful and unusual place it is!

Sala de las Palmeiras Pétreas, Mosteiro de OseiraSala de las Palmeiras Pétreas

We toured two of the three cloisters, shown next. You may want to read about them, in much more detail on the Mosteiro de Oseira website. The history is quite fascinating. 

Cloister of Pinnacles, Mosteiro de Oseira, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínCloister of Pinnacles, Mosteiro de Oseira
Cloister of Medallions, Mosteiro de OseiraCloister of Medallions, Mosteiro de Oseira

After a whole hour of touring, in Spanish, we were ready to get back on the trail. 

As you leave the monastery from the front gate, it is a left turn and up a very steep hill. In less than 50 meters, you are directed to the right, shown below, for more steep uphill climbing on the Camino Sanabrés from Cea to Estación de Lalín.

Right Turn Uphill After MonasteryRight Turn Uphill After Monastery

Pictured next is the amazing steep climb up the hill, and the look-out from on top of a promontory.

Look Back on the Mosteiro de Oseira, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínLook Back on the Monastery

We paused and gazed one more time upon this grand monastery from above! The monastery is the icing on the cake for this day on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín.

Final View of the Mosteiro de Oseira, at Top of the HillFinal View of the Mosteiro de Oseira, from Promontory

Then it was onward for the continued steep climb over the next 1.1 kilometers and not quite 200 meter (650 feet) gain in elevation. 

About 50 meters after the lookout area, you see the left hand turn that takes you back onto the ancient road. Judging by the rubble, I could tell that this section of Roman road would be interesting indeed! 

Left Turn Onto Ancient RoadLeft Turn Onto Ancient Road

Again, the ancient road does a direct hit on the mountain, up and over quite steeply. Unlike the previous Roman road section, the road through here is very rugged and uneven. 

Roman Road Begins, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínRoman Road Begins
Very Steep and Rugged Roman RoadVery Steep and Rugged Road

I felt bad that Norm and Nadine were not here to experience this historic section, but yet I knew that Nadine would have struggled horribly through this rough terrain. 

Here is my favorite photo through here, when the pavers were a bit smoother. 

Pavers Even Out a BitPavers Even Out a Bit

After 9.45 kilometers, the ancient road crosses this secondary, paved road, and continues straight on, for more ruggedness!

Cross Secondary RoadCross Secondary Road

I am always so enchanted with these ancient roads, that I took a ton of photos! You are seeing less than half of them! Ha!

Even More Rugged RoadEven More Rugged Road
Road Can Be Very Slippery When WetRoad Very Slippery When Wet

Here is a portion of the old rugged road, just before the top. 

Terrain Opens Up, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínTerrain Opens Up Near the Top

It is at approximately 10.2 kilometers when you reach the summit top at 818 meters, (2684 feet) on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín.

The Summit Top AwaitsThe Summit Top Awaits!

Shortly after the top, after 10.4 kilometers, is when you reach the pavement of the OU-0452 and join it. 

Join the Pavement at the TopJoin the OU-0452 at the Top

You walk on the pavement for only 300 meters, when you are directed to return onto the old road, shown below. 

Leave the OU-0452, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínLeave the OU-0452, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín

The old road here is a shortcut from the modern road, on the way to the next town of Vilarello. The 150 meter shortcut is extremely steep and rocky. However, there are gorgeous views over the valley from here, just don't look at the view without stopping first or you may trip!

Rich and I discussed that perhaps this day had more lengths of Roman roads than any other day that we could recall. In fact, my feet were growing a bit weary of the ruggedness of these roads. This romanticist never thought she would ever say that!

Brief, Rough Shortcut to VilarelloBrief, Rough Shortcut to Vilarello

The shortcut ends by joining the OU-0452, shown here, in Vilarello. Turn left as shown to walk again on the pavement. You are about 10.8 kilometers into the day on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín.

Rejoin the OU-0452 in VilarelloRejoin the OU-0452 in Vilarello

The Camino does not actually take you through the town of Vilarello, but to the south of it on the OU-0452. You continue to walk on this road for about 1/2 kilometer, until you see the turn to the right, onto another old pathway, shown below. 

Leave the OU-0452 Again on this PathLeave the OU-0452 Again on This Path

This next off-pavement section lasts for over 800 meters. Again, it seems like it is the continuation of the ancient road. 

Back on the Ancient RoadBack on the Ancient Road
Moss Covered Rocks, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínMoss Covered Rocks

The Camino continues to descend through this section, steeply dropping to a stream crossing at 11.5 kilometers into day fourteen on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín.

It is at about 12.0 kilometers that you see the buildings of the next town of Carballediña ahead. 

Entering Carballediña, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínEntering Carballediña, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín

Come to a narrow paved road, and cross it at a bus stop. Continue on a narrow road through town, shown below. It is like stepping back in time here!

A Step Back in Time in CarballediñaA Step Back in Time in Carballediña
The Narrow Road Through CarballediñaThe Narrow Road Through Carballediña
Horreos on the Road Leaving CarballediñaHórreos on the Road Leaving Carballediña

Soon after you leave the town and its hórreos behind, you come to the end of the descent from the top, at about kilometer 12.4

It is about 900 meters from Carballediña to the next town of Outeiro de Coiras on this road. 

Walled Road Toward Outeiro de Coiras, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínWalled Road Toward Outeiro de Coiras
Entering Outeiro de CoirasEntering Outeiro de Coiras

Leave the road from Carballediña at approximately 13.3 kilometers, and turn to the right, to enter the town of Outeiro de Coiras, shown below. 

Right Turn Through Outeiro de CoirasRight Turn Through Outeiro de Coiras

The town is all of the buildings you see in the photograph above, and soon you are on a lane and back in the forest, climbing once again. 

Back Into the ForestBack Into the Forest

The long path through the forest lasts for not quite another two kilometers. Some sections are cut deeply into the rock, like shown below. 

Deeply Cut RoadDeeply Cut Road

When the climb levels out, about 700 meters onward, and the forest makes way for the fields on either side of the high roadway walls, you know that you are getting close to the next town of A Gouxa

Getting Close to A Gouxa, Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de LalínGetting Close to A Gouxa

It is after approximately 15 kilometers, when the Camino brings you to the road that leads you into A Gouxa, shown below. When you come to the T-intersection with the pavement, turn to the left to enter town. 

Entering A GouxaEntering A Gouxa

Please click here for our continued story of the unfolding of this day fourteen, on the Camino Sanabrés, Cea to Estación de Lalín.

El Camino Sanabrés EBook Guide

** This digital eBook, in PDF format, contains all the valuable information in our web pages, for reading off-line in the mountainous and remote areas along this Way. Don't carry a heavy paper book, but use our digital book on your mobile device instead! You will not regret it! Click here for more information. GO AHEAD AND BEGIN DREAMING!

Includes Bonus Material Below!

And the Journey Continues:

From Salamanca ~ 

On the Camino Sanabrés ~

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